SW-AQA organized a virtual Knowledge Partners Strategy Session to address the critical issue of air pollution and explore an interstate collaboration platform for fostering mutual dialogue.
Hosts: AirQualityAsia
Location: Webinar, Delhi, India
The deliberations focused on key narratives, including Financing the Transition to Green Economy, Transition to Renewable Energy, Transition to Clean Air Transportation System, Inter-State Coordination for Air Quality Management.
SW-AQA efforts are led by Hon. Dr. Shashi Tharoor, who sits on the Board of AQA, and has been instrumental in convening SW-AQA flagship annual Roundtable that brings together a multi-sectoral stakeholder body, including Parliamentarians, to a common discussion on the issue of air pollution. The platform has convened regularly since 2017 and has successfully brought together MPs from across the aisle and has also witnessed the active participation of the Hon'ble Minister for Environment who addressed the gathering at the 2019 and 2020 editions and the Hon’ble Minister for Transportation who key-noted the 2022 edition.
To build on this nascent political roadmap AQA’s India leadership plans to take this platform to the state level after the general elections 2024 to foster dialogue and cooperation between governments on this critical issue.
Knowledge Partners Strategy Session brought together subject specialists to discuss the feasibility and scope of this initiative within three domains: 1) Inter-State cooperation for clean air 2) Capacity building and strengthening regional air pollution regulatory bodies 3) Re-examining existing air pollution regulations for effective action.
The webinar was inaugurated Hon. Matthew J Nolan, Treasurer, AirQualityAsia. Ms. Shazia Rafi, President and Convenor, AirQualityAsia gave a welcome note, followed by Peer-to-Peer discussion on State-level and Inter-State work moderated by Mr. Abhishek Kumar, Co-Founder, INDICC Associates.
List of speakers:
- Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air [CREA] – Mr. Sunil Dahiya, Analyst
- Centre for Policy Research [CPR] – Dr. Bhargava Krishna, Former Fellow
- INDICC Associates – Mr. Abhishek Kumar, Co-Founder
- Institute of Energy Economics & Financial Analysis [IEEFA] – Ms. Vibhuti Garg, Energy Economist
- Integrated Research and Action for Development [IRADe] – Dr. Jyoti Parikh, Executive Director
- National Institute of Public Finance and Policy [NIPFP] – Dr. Suranjali Tandon, Assistant Professor
- Respirer Living Sciences – Mr. Chetan Bhattacharji, Consultant, Policy & Industry Initiatives and Communications
- The Energy and Resources Institute [TERI] - Dr. Anjou Goel, Associate Director, Air Quality Research
- World Resources Institute [WRI] – Dr. Prakash Doraiswamy, Director, Air Quality
Concluding Remarks were presented by Hon. Harry Duynhoven, Secretary, AirQualityAsia.
Read also
- The Inaugural Convening of the Air-quality Committee of Chhattisgarh Legislative Assembly, India
- Hon. Dr. Shashi Tharoor Op-Ed in The Indian Express
- There’s got to be enough politicians who care about air quality: Shashi Tharoor
- AQA India Consultations with UN Environment
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