• AirQualityAsia


    This is our first human right. When we are born, the first gulp we take is of air. We need it to be clean. We need it to be breathable.

  • New York City, 1973 & today

    New York City, 1973 & today

    With concerted action smog can be lifted permanently, cities can be breathable again.

  • AirQualityAsia


    This is our first human right. When we are born, the first gulp we take is of air. We need it to be clean. We need it to be breathable.

  • New York City, 1973 & today

    New York City, 1973 & today

    With concerted action smog can be lifted permanently, cities can be breathable again.

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Latest News

Speakers at the Loss & Damage Finance Mechanism: Preliminary Report at COP29

On November 18 2024, Sustainable World Inc. and its program AirQualityAsia [SW-AQA] held an event at COP29 GLOBE Parliamentary Pavilion on Loss & Damage Finance Mechanism [LDFM©]

Speakers at the Inaugural Session of Experts’ Advisory Group on LDFM©

On February 7, 2024, Sustainable World Inc. and its program AirQualityAsia [SW-AQA] held the inaugural session of the Expert Advisory Group [EAG] for the Loss & Damage Finance Mechanism [LDFMⓒ].

Experts at the Knowledge Partners Strategy Session

SW-AQA organized a virtual Knowledge Partners Strategy Session to address the critical issue of air pollution and explore an interstate collaboration platform for fostering mutual dialogue.

COP 28

Panelists at COP28

November 30 to December 12, 2023, SW-AQA delegation attended the 2023 United Nations Climate Change Conference, COP28 held at Expo City, Dubai, United Arab Emirates.